Future is Working 2022


Join us in our goal to raise $10,000 to empower young adults to strengthen our future workforce of Orange County!
The pandemic has had devastating, lasting effects on so many of our Orange County residents who found themselves in need of food and other basic necessities. Unemployment was at a high and many, especially young adults, lacked the skills and confidence to step back into the workforce. They needed support systems in place to ensure that they are prepared and can thrive within the workforce.
With the support from last year’s Giving Day, we launched CAP OC’s Workforce Development Program for young adults. To date, we have served 147 young adults through coaching, empowerment workshops, and 1-on-1 case management. The program’s goals include training beyond hard skills, such as resume building, and also delving into mental health practices to get our participants in a position to earn a living wage, build successfully upon their work experiences, and strengthen the workforce.
We cannot do this without your support! Help us reach our goal of $10,000. Your donation today will be matched dollar by dollar by our generous sponsor, Melinda Estrada, CEO & Founder of Lending Enterprise. Together, we can build a better future workforce.

Learn more at: https://the-future-is-working-giving-day.ocnonprofitcentral.org/organizations/capoc