Welcome Reverend Rayna Hamre

Rev. Rayna Hamre is a native of Southern California and serves the community of Orange County as an ordained Unitarian Universalist (UU) minister. Her upbringing, as well as these deep ethical values, call her to work for positive change in our community. She actively strives to partner with others to address poverty, racism, and the roots of social inequality.
Rev. Hamre worked at the UC Irvine Libraries for many years and is an experienced speaker, researcher, event organizer, and instructor. As a UU minister, she is active in UU congregations in the Southern California region.
She holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from UC Irvine, a Master’s Degree in History from CSU Fullerton, and a Masters of Divinity Degree from the accredited Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago, where she received the Clayton Bowen Prize in New Testament Studies. Rev. Hamre has been an active meditation teacher in the Orange County area for over 25 years. Interested in all faith traditions, she participates in collaborative interfaith activities and enjoys friendships with people from diverse backgrounds.
We are honored to have Rev. Hamre on the CAP OC Board and are excited to work with her!