Elevate Youth’s Partnership with Waymakers OC

The Elevate Youth program targets youth ages 12 – 26 on building awareness on youth substance use disorder and prevention by healing through creative expression. Elevate Youth staff have been eager to meet with other youth-serving organizations to explore collaboration opportunities and engage youth through different activities and workshops. Luckily, Elevate Youth was able to partner with Waymakers OC’s Impaired Driving Prevention team after the youth expressed interest in working on reducing impaired driving-related accidents. Elevate Youth prides itself on being youth-led, so, the Waymakers Impaired Driving team was invited to the hangout on April 21st where youth voted favorably to participating in their workshop. In the coming weeks, Elevate Youth and Waymakers OC will be hosting a two-part event. Youth will participant in a brainstorming activity to select their project. Elevate Youth staff are excited to be partnering with Waymakers OC and their Impaired Driving Prevention team to further engage youth and bring awareness to impaired driving!